According to sociology, a social relationship is any voluntary or involuntary interpersonal link between two or more people, individually or between groups. Social relationships are the basic analytical construct used in the social sciences. There are some mutual requirements of any relationship – respect, trust and affection. It is the responsibility of the individuals to nurture these three emotions so as to keep going the relationship. As far as the life partners are concerned the need is felt more intense. Genuinely speaking there should be more warmth in marriage and more intimacy between husband and wife. Relationship building is not that trivial thing as it is thought to be. Let us see the elements which make marital relationship successful.

Listen To Each Other

Listening is the key to interpret other’s ideas effectively. When somebody doesn’t listen, the process of communication cannot materialize. Listening makes the conversation in marriage meaningful. It connects one person to another seamlessly. So life partners should talk out their feelings instead of creating misunderstanding between each other. Even if the spouses disagree on some issues they need to talk and find the solution because ultimately both share the life together. Every relationship has got its own problems and communication is lifeline to each one. When somebody is talking and the other listens it improves attention and gives a sense of satisfaction to the speaker. This thing one has to understand that listening is different from hearing. To maintain relationship you need to listen. 

Be Accountable For Your Actions

For any relationship to endure acceptance of responsibility for one’s own actions is very important. You need to allow others to evaluate your performance. The same thing is required in marriage too. When you are accountable for your actions the chances of any one partner getting angry or upset get minimised. Whenever you do anything and there is no accountability then there are no set rules for behaviour or that action. In that case the situation gets messed up and further creates stress and tension. Accountability between husband and wife makes them understand where the line of demarcation is. They know very well what to do and what not to do. It is essential as it prevents confusion much prior.

Mutual accountability in marriage results in harmonious atmosphere around and transparency in behavior. It automatically gives you the understanding of the impact of your action on your spouse. Moreover it builds self-awareness of one’s habits and misdeeds if happens by chance. It allows you to assess your behavior, regularly check it and do necessary changes to suit the bonding between the two.

Restrict Expectations

It is obvious that life partners have basic expectations from each other and that is alright. But clashes in relationship come when we expect too much from someone. Few impractical expectations may hamper your relationship and happiness further. So limit your expectations. Lowering your expectations from others will avoid unnecessary stress and negative emotions. It will also keep you away from indulging in angry fights and irritable behavior. High expectations will disturb your mind set and destroy your mental peace. Expecting less will bring you happiness and a sound sleep. On the other hand continuous tension in relationship will always keep you bothered. So always restrict your expectations from your partner.

Show Little Tolerance

Tolerance is mutual respect through mutual understanding. Tolerance involves respect, acceptance and appreciation despite of disagreements. It helps couples lead a happy married life though they have differences on certain issues. It is said that little tolerance and adjustment is better than long arguments. When a person learns to tolerate few things it gives him or her big scope to communicate with the partner and sort out things easily. Tolerance is necessary for husband and wife to live peacefully. One needs to practice it to develop a tolerant mind set.

Be Sexually Faithful

Faithfulness is the foundation of long lasting marriage. It means to be loyal to your spouse. When this feeling arises that the partner is trustworthy you are ready to face any challenge and standby your spouse. Faithfulness is such a powerful tool that the partners automatically become supportive to each other. To be loyal sexually and otherwise makes the marital bond stronger. It endows a kind of stability and security to both the life partners. When you are faithful and show trust it becomes very easy to deal with difficult things. Interestingly, both the people evolve, grow and gain wisdom when other marital issues are already fixed. But if any one of the partners is not loyal then it results in anxiety, confusion and misunderstanding in everyday life repeatedly. So keep building trust.

Give and Receive Understanding

Husband and wife share the same life together. In the process of understanding each other both have to keep in mind that they are two different personalities and they will differ in certain areas and may disagree on few things. And that’s normal. Marriage is all about winning together and for that understanding each other is very crucial. Understand your partner in the situation he or she is encountered with. It is well quoted that happiest couples in the world never have the same nature. They just have the best understanding of their differences. No marriage is worthwhile without understanding. This is a slow and steady process which is not possible in a day or a month. This may take years together. There lies the fun of knowing an unknown person. No matter whether it is arranged or driven solely by the couple, marriage requires a considerable understanding of each other to be called a successful one.

Learn To Forgive

Mistakes in life are inevitable but this does not mean that you get annoyed with the person who has made one. If you can’t forgive your partner on petty issues you get stuck at one place. You don’t have that willingness to move ahead in life. Forgive the things that had occurred in the past and focus on enlarging the future. Forgiving will release you from your anger and negative feelings. Life demands these tools so that the relationship of marriage endures for a very long time.